Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vision Skill - Expanded Core Curriculum - Kristin Dibler

Expanded Core Curriculum

"Educators define 'core curriculum' as the knowledge and skills expected to be learned by a student by high school graduation. Generally, the core curriculum consists of knowledge and skills related to academic subjects.... With respect to blind and visually impaired students, the existing core curriculum, as developed for sighted students, is entirely appropriate and generally available... But most professionals hold a strong position that there is an expanded core curriculum for visually impaired students that requires additional areas of learning. There are experiences and concepts casually and incidentally learned by sighted students that must be systematically and sequentially taught to the visually impaired student. The core curriculum for visually impaired students is not the same as for sighted students. Indeed, it is much larger and more complex."

The Expanded Core Curriculum includes:
  • compensatory or functional academic skills, including communication modes
  • orientation and mobility
  • social interaction skills
  • independent living skills
  • recreation and leisure skills
  • career education
  • use of assistive technology
  • sensory efficiency skills
  • self-determination
Information provided by AFB


Visual schedule/steps to tasks
Videos/Modeling of Task


Reading about designated task
Movie with speech about task


Writing about task
-the steps of the task
-as a reflection after performing task


Actual performance or acting out of task


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